LemonLDAP::NG Advanced Training

The objective of this training is to provide you with all the skills you need to manage all the advanced features of LemonLDAP::NG on a daily basis.

Register for the LL::NG Advanced training

Learn how to configure and use LemonLDAP::NG in a complex environment during this 3-day training course.

Nowadays, identity management is present everywhere, whether in Web applications or within companies.

LemonLDAP-NG, the open source identity and access management (IAM) solution associated with the implementation of standard exchange protocols such as CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect.

You will emerge from this advanced LemonLDAP::NG training course with the skills you need to manage the advanced features of LemonLDAP::NG on a day-to-day basis, as well as the ability to respond to requests for integration with business applications.

This practical, advanced LemonLDAP::NG training course is aimed at anyone responsible for identity management, wishing to learn how to configure and integrate the advanced features of LemonLDAP::NG into an existing IS.

At the end of the course, participants will leave with a good understanding of SSO protocols and the advanced configuration of LemonLDAP::NG and its interactions with the existing IS.

Terms and rates

Duration of classroom training: 3 days or 21 hours.
Intra-company rates:  3 900 euros excluding taxes in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany.
Members of the CNLESR in France benefit from a 10% discount.
As soon as we receive your registration, we will contact you to schedule the training.

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Training programme

Day 1
History, concept and SSO protocols
  • Introduction
    • History
    • Why LemonLDAP-NG? How does it work?
    • Operating principles
  • Fundamentals of identity and access management
    • What are IAM, IGA, AM, PAM and ADMgmt?
  • Presentation of standard exchange protocols: CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect, CAS, SAML, OpenID
  • Study and application of CAS, SAML and OpenID
Day 2
Configuration and administration of LemonLDAP-NG
  • Basic configuration in CLI or Web mode
    • Application portal configuration
    • Configuration of an LDAP backend
    • Definition of variables
    • Authentication levels
    • Writing rules and HTTP headers
    • Configuring test Web applications
    • Protecting Web applications with AuthBasic and LemonLDAP::NG handlers
  • Administration and use
    • Notification management
    • Session management
    • Password reset
    • Logout transfer
  • Advanced configuration in CLI or Web mode
    • Configuring a CAS server
    • CAS client configuration

Practical exercises: standard configuration and administration of LemonLDAP::NG.

Day 3
OpenID Connect, SAML, Supervision, Debugging, Backup & Restore, Security
  • OpenID Connect
    • Configuring an OpenID Connect Identity Provider (OP)
    • Configuring an OpenID Connect Service Provider (RP)
    • Configuring test Web applications
  • SAML
    • Configuration of a SAML Identity Provider (IDP)
    • SAML Service Provider (SP) configuration
    • Script for bulk import of metadata
    • Configuring test Web applications
  • Service monitoring
    • Logs analysis
    • Diagnosing incidents
  • Backing up and restoring services
  • Presentation of security recommendations

LemonLDAP::NG training pre-registration

To pre-register or request additional information, please fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly.

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